I had a petticoat that fitted tightly in the bodice and was bouffant below, one of those things that seem to me are many petticoats in one! I never saw so much lace, so much flouncing, be-ribboned, a symphony of white glory! My dress was of satin with that whisper of blue and over this was a mere "e "fect" of a rayon material, a crepe that sort of seemed to float in space and made me float in space too!
Tiny diamond-seed earrings were put into my ears (Now my ears are pierced). My hair was done up as well as possible; it was of course growing out well but it still was not the crowning glory it is today! I wore long kid shoulder length gloves with a faint pink tint in them. Many may think that the gloves should also have had the mere whisper of blue but I don't. I loved the whole effect and so did the others! I was made up to perfection, I was very lovely, attractive and pure class, so help me!
The living room was all fixed up and I carried a lovely bouquet of flowers. Alice arrived dressed in tweeds! She wore a suit, a rather form fitting formal which showed her off well! She was business like and happy and I felt more feminine than ever with Alice dressed like this! The woman minister was happy and I learned that Miss Cora had contributed rather well to a new church that the lady had established in another Cali- fornia city. There was a recording played, the wedding march and I came down the stairs and Miss Cora "gave me away". We were married and Alice took me, she the aggressor, in her arms and kissed me long and hard!
I changed to a lovely travelling suit that Miss Cora had sent for from Bonwit Teller in New York. It was a new, completely exciting garment with the minaret sleeve. It was designed by Harvey Berin and as per his styling in New York it was cropped short for effect and I might add, smashing effect in the words of the New Yorker Magazine! It was "smart" and the color was listed as